Resources and Other Handy Links

This class is pretty information-heavy. It's a good idea to do some outside research so you can have a better understanding and comprehension of what is discussed in class. This is a helpful collection of good websites to check out. These links also come in handy for class projects.
Syllabus Main Page Shoreline Community College Bookstore Photo Gallery Forum Shoreline Community College E-mail Instructor Calendar Events
Empowering Women Links:
Good gateway to sites targeted to women.
National Women's Health Network
Women for Women
A site that promotes healthy images in advertising. Halls of shame and fame, satire and good links/resources.
General Links:
Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia everyone can edit. Note: Take articles on this site with a grain of salt. Try to find backup sources for information you find.
The Encylopedia Mythica, another great starting place.
Library of Congress